ऊर्जा अपरिमित – Episode 7

What we resist, persists and arrests the free flow of energies. This blocked energy culminates into trapped emotions, undue suffering and affects our whole well-being.

Why do we find it difficult to accept what is already over? Why not say a hearty Yes to everything dear Zindagi offers? Because it’s easier said than done. 

The 7th episode propounds how we can drift lightly with every coming tide, taking all – not so good and bad – in our stride and attain enduring bliss. 

Follow my podcast on energy consciousness every Thursday

27 comments on “ऊर्जा अपरिमित – Episode 7
  1. विकास शर्मा says:

    हर बार की तरह सहज पर स्थिर, उद्देश्यसहित जीवन जीने का एक मंत्र.. आत्म स्वीकार का कभी इस तरह से खुलकर ख्याल आया ही न था.. या तो अपने को छिपाने मे रहे या कुछ और दिखाने में.. उसी के लिए सतत तैयारियां, रणनीतियाँ.. वैसे सब ही प्रेरक था पर खासतौर से ये कि
    God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
    courage to change the things I can,
    and wisdom to know the difference.
    आपका भी बहुत आभार मैम
    ये स्नेह, अनुकंपा बनी रहे.. जीवन के मौजूदा धरातल पर जीवन अंत होकर न रह जाए 🙏

    1. Sumedha says:

      Vikasji, zindagi kee baat kee jaye…no negativity. Pl take care. Regards

    2. Nakul Dev says:

      It’s not just insightful but give solutions. May you keep showing us the unseen. Everyword you spoke is full of wisdom. We are blessed to have you around 🙏🏼👌🙌👏💐

      1. Sumedha says:

        Thanks Nakul for your kind words. Regards

  2. Anjali Raj says:

    It really takes a lifetime, perhaps even more to understand this simple mantra of happiness: Acceptance! One has to remind oneself repeatedly.. accept.. accept.. simply accept. And the moment it’s there, all tempests calm down. Thanks for this so lucid and wonderful presentation, Ma’am. It’s really rewarding to listen to your thought provoking views and experiences.

    1. Sumedha says:

      Thanks Anjali. Regards

  3. Anjali Singh says:

    The most beautiful lines:
    God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.
    Acceptance and Surrender make us strong enough to face the problems and dare to dream. Both are necessary to enjoy our life fully.
    When we start to accept the things we start to live. That’s absolutely true.
    Profound regards!!🌹🙏🙏🌹

    1. Sumedha says:

      Thanks Anjali

      1. Again as always touched useful subject of our daily life I.e. acceptance.. I really wish to evaluate our self and really found it most difficult also. Sometime it’s very hard to accept that non acceptance is due to our ego or self respect. As of sudden very hard to judge. But honest acceptance can make our life more cheerful. Thanks for sharing such sensitive subject with so adaptive dialogues.

        1. Sumedha says:

          Thanks..you have voiced true confession of many of us. Regards

  4. Vimala says:

    True… acceptance ultimately depends on our own thoughts and emotions….However this journey of self realization and acceptance has to be devoid of pretences or else it wouldn’t matter….

    1. Sumedha says:


  5. Satpal says:

    Great motivation.
    Nice g

  6. Again as always touched useful subject of our daily life I.e. acceptance.. I really wish to evaluate our self and really found it most difficult also. Sometime it’s very hard to accept that non acceptance is due to our ego or self respect. As of sudden very hard to judge. But honest acceptance can make our life more cheerful. Thanks for sharing such sensitive subject with so adaptive dialogues.

  7. Devinder kaur says:

    Acceptance फिर से आपने एक और बहुत मुश्किल टॉपिक लिया है।जिसे आपने हमें कम और आसान शब्दों में अपनी चिर- परिचित प्रभावी शैली में समझाया है कि ये थोड़ा मुश्किल है पर नामुमकिन नहीं।
    आपने बिलकुल ठीक कहा हमारी ज़्यादातर lower emotions की वजह हमारा non acceptance में रहना या resist करना ही है और हमेशा ये सोचना कि मैंने तो इस जन्म में जान- बूझ कर ऐसा कुछ नहीं किया जिसकी मुझे ये सज़ा मिल रही है।You have hit the bull’s eye. अक्सर यही तो कहते हैं हम।जब आपने मुझे इस topic के बारे में बताया तो मेरे अंदर भी कुछ चीज़ों को ले कर acceptance नहीं थी पर आपको सुन कर realisation हुई और मैं वो सब accept कर पाई।Thank you very much.You are really a torch bearer.You are really showing path to so many.After listening to you I realised Acceptance is the answer to all my problems today.When I am disturbed, I find some person,place,thing or situation -some fact of my life- unacceptable to me,and I cannot find serenity untill I accept that person,place,thing or situation as exactly being in place as it is suppose to be at this moment.Nothing absolutely nothing happens in God’s world by mistake. Until I accept myself,my situation and my life completely on life’s term.I cannot be happy.

    यानी कि *तेरा भाणा मीठा लागे*
    इसी स्थिति में रहना है।

    आपने सही कहा ये अंदर से ही हो सकता है।जब तक दिल से स्वीकार्य भाव में नहीं आते तो ज़बरदस्ती तो ‘कोई और चारा नहीं’ वाली स्थिति ही होगी।
    गुरबाणी में भी कहा है न

    As is Your command,so do things happen.Wherever You keep me ,there I go and stand.

    आपने एक बात और कितनी सही कही कि जब हम साक्षी भाव में आएंगे तभी हम स्वीकार भाव में आ पाएंगे।

    क्या ख़ूब कहा है

    ज़िंदगी क्या किसी मुफ़लिस की क़बा है जिस में, हर घड़ी दर्द के पैवंद लगे जाते हैं।

    उसी में आगे ये भी है

    आज सहना है हमेशा तो नहीं सहना है
    दिल की बे-सूद तड़प जिस्म की मायूस पुकार
    चंद रोज़ और मिरी जान फ़क़त चंद ही रोज़।

    हां ये तभी मुमकिन होगा अगर हम स्वीकार भाव में आ पाएंगे।नहीं तो जैसा आपने कहा victim mode,vicious circle of negativity में ही रहेंगे।हमेशा की तरह negativity से निकलने का एक और कितना सरल तरीका बताया है आपने अपने mind की formating करनी है-vicious circle of negativity से virtuous circle of positivity में जाने के लिए बस स्वीकार भाव में ही तो आना है।सब higher energies पर ही तो छोड़ना है।यकीन मानिए ज़िंदगी बड़ी आसान और खूबसूरत हो जाती है।
    आपका ये कहना भी कितना सही है कि अगर स्वीकार भाव के साथ क्षमाशीलता भी आ जाए तो let go ,surrender करना आसान हो जाता है।

    No regrets…just lessons
    No worries…just acceptance
    No expectations…just gratitude
    No complaints…just forgiveness

    ये सारे स्तंभ हैं शरणागत होने के लिए।

    आपने सही कहा।बस हमें इस स्थिति में आना है
    *अब सौंप दिया है जीवन का सब भार तुम्हारे हाथों में
    अब जीत तुम्हारे हाथों में और हार तुम्हारे हाथों में*
    Acceptance is the currency of love
    एक बार फिर से दिल से आभार आपका।परमात्मा आपको यूंही प्रेरणा देता रहे हमारा मार्गदर्शन करने का।

    1. Sumedha says:

      Thanks for the comprehensive evaluation and compliments. Regards

  8. Adv SUDIP DIWAN says:

    Acceptance can reduce ur woes and cries! It can bring peace and tranquility to individual and public at large if performed! Thanks for sharing Such a beautiful thought

    1. Sumedha says:

      Thanks. Regards

  9. Dinesh Kumar says:

    आपने स्वीकार भाव को अपने जीवन दर्शन, अपनी दिनचर्या, अपनी मानसिकता का अनिवार्य हिस्सा बनाने की प्रेरणा देते हुए इस एपिसोड में आत्म-साक्षात्कार की इस यात्रा के एक महत्त्वपूर्ण पड़ाव को रेखांकित किया है। प्रस्तुति हमेशा की तरह अपनेपन और सहज स्नेह से भरपूर है और आपकी वाणी भी आत्मीयता के रस से ओत-प्रोत है। आपकी बात सुन कर उसमें निहित संदेश को आत्मसात् करना आनंददायक अनुभव होता है।

    1. Sumedha says:

      Thanks a lot, Sir. Regards

  10. Madhu Bala says:

    You have rightly emphasized the importance of Acceptance in order to live a happy and healthy life. Your presentation is so inspiring that it makes us rethink about our thought processes and learn a lot. Thanks .

    1. Sumedha says:

      Thanks Madam, regards

  11. saroj kumari says:

    well done madam ji .Good thought

    1. Sumedha says:

      Jee thanks. Regards

  12. Gaytri bajaj says:

    Once again a meaningful and solution episode.gracefully accepting those things which are no changeable should be the part of our life.. thanks for reminding such beautiful words through ur episode.. will b waiting for the next one


  13. RP Malhotra says:

    दो बार सुन चुका हूं। अभी फिर से दिल करता है सुनने को। तर्क और भाषा दोनों कमाल और विषय रखने का तरीका सोने पे सुहागा।
    RP Malhotra

  14. Sachin Thukral says:

    You are touching such sensitive things mam! You are reaching the space that we touch while we are alone and introspecting…This message is clearly for all those sensitive and thinking individuals who are yearning to lead a respectable life and take control over the things rather than being maneuvered by the things.
    How beautifully you have expressed the things with such clarity of thoughts…there is a unity of ideas as you take us along the thought process of an ‘aggressive’ person and point out the reason for that ‘aggression’ for that ‘troubling point’ that is making the person restless.
    Acceptance, acceptance of the negative capability rather than the negatives is such a strong message. The inclusion of Keats and his ‘negative capability’ is remarkable.
    The other day I was listening to the famous poet Javed Akhtar and he said, that choosing the words carefully matters the most. Today’s generation wants results and they act in haste, but we got to read, read and read before we start writing. As per him, a word is just like a person. First, we see a person, which is like phonetics of the word. Then, we are introduced to the person by someone or the person himself, which he equates with the meaning of the word. But finally, we discover that that person might have varied personalities, all fit into one; like he can’t just have a simple personality and there are various facets attached to a person. And, this he equates with the various connotations that a word can have; thereby, highlighting how a correct choice of word can make a difference.
    And, the choice of words you have mam, and the phrases and sayings in Hindi, the quotes from Mirza Galib here, and that of the others every now and then, simply leaves us stunned, as a listener. It takes a lifetime to have such a command over the language, the words that you seem to be choosing so effortlessly…hats off mam!
    You are certainly rendering a great service to the society. We are all with faults, but it seems that you are a godsend angle who has certainly arrived to hold our hands and take us away from the negativity to the realm of positivity. Deepest thanks to you for this!
    I listened to this podcast message twice to appreciate the choice of words, the flow of ideas, the rhythm of the speech and the logical handling of the things. You talk in a very simple tongue and yet you touch upon such philosophical things having great depths!

    Thanks a lot mam for such messages, you are certainly going to help us purge ourselves of negativity and enjoy the positivity all around.
    “अब सौंप दिया इस जीवन का, सब भार तुम्हारे हाथों में।
    है जीत तुम्हारे हाथों में, और हार तुम्हारे हाथों में॥”
    It seems you are on a missing to make us realize our inner potential , but along with it, also recognize the ‘higher energies’ that eventually take control over our life. (So ironical that I started this comment with ‘taking’ control over the things, and ended up with the realization that how we are actually ‘controlled’ by the higher energies- is this acceptance? I wonder…)
    Thanks and regards

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