ऊर्जा अपरिमित – Episode 44

Episode 44: PATRIOTISM 

Patriotism is the innate feeling of belonging, of promulgating our values, our beliefs and of immense respect for one’s nation. It does not necessarily need us to spearhead towards the Line of Control but to take small steps each day to make our nation even stronger. The greatness of a country is measured not by its military prowess or artistic achievements, but by the people it generates and the principles they uphold.

Join me in today’s episode as we pledge to become the true patriots who are righteous and humble citizens, nurturing the nation’s deepest roots for a  better and brighter tomorrow.

19 comments on “ऊर्जा अपरिमित – Episode 44
  1. Ranju Dhingra says:

    Wah ji wah. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on another beautiful topic- patriotism. Very well expressed as always. You know Sumedha, your podcasts have become a habit now. Thursday means wait for another topic from you. Keep spreading your wisdom. God bless.

    1. sumedha kataria says:

      Thanks dear Ranju..alqaya amongst the first to comment!! Thanks. Regards

  2. राजकुमार आर्य says:

    अहा! कितना सुंदर विचार है कि अपने पास जो सरप्लस है उसमें से कुछ दूसरों को बांटने का मादा हममें होना चाहिए केवल इतना ही हो जाए तो भी बहुत बड़ी बात है।
    अत्यंत सुंदर विचारों के लिए धन्यवाद!
    मेरी ओर से आपको गणतंत्र दिवस की बहुत-बहुत शुभकामनाएं!

    1. Mohan lal saini says:

      Madam.ji. good evening desh bhagti per episode bhut hi sunder geet gaker parstut kiya gya he

      1. sumedha kataria says:

        Thanks Mr Rajkumar. Regards

  3. Suman saini says:

    देशभक्ति की सुंदरतम व्याख्या जिसमें इतना कुछ समा गया कि कुछ भी भाव अवशिष्ट नहीं रह गया—–

  4. Suman saini says:

    देशभक्ति की सुंदरतम व्याख्या जिसमें इतना कुछ समा गया कि कुछ भी भाव अवशिष्ट नहीं रह गया—– सब के लिए अनुकरणीय और श्रवणीय।

  5. Sunita Gupta says:

    Very patriotic episode, leading to know our duties n small contributions towards our nation to make it strong. Jai Hind Jai Bharat 🙏

  6. Anjali says:

    Comprehensive, thought provoking and inspiring presentation! Superb!

    1. R K GOSWAMI says:

      Happy Republic Day. Very nice patriotic masssage right occation.

  7. Dr. Shobhna says:


  8. Madhu Bala says:

    Thanks for this powerful and inspiring presentation.

    1. Dinesh Kumar says:

      Your podcast brought back so many sweet memories of my school and college days. Patriotism as a concept has been much misunderstood. You have put things in proper perspective by reminding us how we can be patriotic in our day-to-day activities. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  9. Nakul Dev says:

    Patriotism is one word that carries huge definition within. it is oftenly defined as love and loyalty towards the country you live. Peoples who dedicate their lives to serve their country, these people are called patriots. For me just having noble thoughts, sentiment and pride for country is not enough there is sense of answerability what makes the difference in true sense. How we are contributing
    to make the country forerunners. Patriotism is not just said to flow in the blood stream of countrymen but believe to serve the nation in best possible way.

  10. Nakul Dev says:

    Patriotism is one word that carries huge definition within. it is oftenly defined as love and loyalty towards the country you live. Peoples who dedicate their lives to serve their country, these people are called patriots. For me just having noble thoughts, sentiment and pride for country is not enough there is sense of answerability what makes the difference in true sense. How we are contributing to make the country forerunners. Patriotism is not just said to flow in the blood stream of countrymen but believe to serve the nation in best possible way.

  11. P D Verma says:

    Patriotism beautifully explained and also reminding active participation in those activities we ralish during youth time

  12. Anita says:

    Jai Hind mam.

  13. KAUSHALYA Arya says:

    Respected ma’am
    “Sare jahan se accha Hindustan hamara “.
    Beautifully explained about Patriotism. Thankyou so much for such amazing podcast ma’am.

  14. Rashmi kataria says:

    Patriotism … Yeh episode बहुत कुछ याद दिलाता है….
    बचपन में स्कूल time में बोली जाने वालीं तुम्हारी speeches…
    NSS camps में तुम्हारा students में देशभक्ति की भावना का संचार करना, सार्थक सैनिकों को देश के लिए कुछ करने को प्रेरित करना… और आज फिर हम सभी को स्मरण करवाना कि अभी बहुत काम करना बाकी है…
    यह भी समझाना और बताना कि देश की सेवा केवल सीमाओं पर ही नहीं और भी अनेकों ढंगों से की जा सकती है…. सादर आभार जी
    “संवेदनाओं को बचा कर रखना” और “स्वच्छता के प्रति जागरूकता” भी देशभक्ति है…बहुत खूब…👌👌
    बहुत कुछ, बहुत सुन्दर समेटा है, मन प्रसन्न हुआ जी।
    15अगस्त एवं 26 जनवरी को पिताजी द्वारा झंडा फहराना और लड्डू बांटना…
    मम्मी द्वारा तिरंगे मीठे चावल बनाना यह भी अनोखे ढंग थे, जो हम बहनों में देश भक्ति की भावना भरते थे…
    नीलम दीदी के दिल्ली वाले घर curzon road par, India Gate, पर गणतंत्र दिवस की परेड देखना….
    कितना ही कुछ कौध रहा है।
    ऐसे और भी खूबसूरत, ओजस्वी, सन्देशात्मक, episodes की बेसब्री से इंतज़ार में…. स्वस्थ रहो, प्रसन्न रहो।
    दीर्घायु भव, यशस्वी भव।
    असीमित प्यार एवं शुभकामनाओं सहित।

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