
ऊर्जा अपरिमित – Episode 28

Personal Place is Precious Necessity The whole universe and its components carry different energies and we are all designed to fuel our own specific energy systems. Our dynamic energy field is made of multiple layers, which we can expand or contract ; and the moment someone crosses a layer, weighs down our protective cover, or…

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ऊर्जा अपरिमित – Episode 27

Death Death Means Not the End but Emancipation Dread, fear of unknown and the mere thought of leaving it all behind and just ceasing to exist is a cruel one. All through our worldly lives, we perceive death as a merciless end. Striving through every day, going against all odds only to leave it any…

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ऊर्जा अपरिमित – Episode 26

FEAR  Be Not Afraid of Fear, Fight the Fear A knot in stomach, palpitating heart, sirens blaring inside head, the growing urgency and we stand frozen in the moment when all we wish to do is escape. The feeling of fear is an uncomfortable one which we usually try to repress and bury in a…

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ऊर्जा अपरिमित – Episode 25

JUDGEMENT  Abandon Judgements  Fleeting moments, where we find someone not behaving well or to our liking, we question their words or actions. We impose our own standards of conduct and morality on them. Placing ourselves on a high pedestal, we judge others and decide what is correct for others. This illusion of authority to control…

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ऊर्जा अपरिमित – Episode 24

Silence is stairway to tranquility. SILENCE In the race to get ahead of everyone, we have forgotten the true value of spending time away from all, in silence. It is truly rewarding to be with oneself alone. When we allow our brain to not be filled with outer clamour, we allow our creative juices to…

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ऊर्जा अपरिमित – Episode 23

Sleep is Blissful Sleep and Energy Bright, warm morning with birds chirping and you wake up energised and ready to start your day. What put you in such a blissful state? A goodnight’s sleep. Sleep is the innocent, blissful state that rests and refreshes your mind and body. Imperative for sustenance, it removes creases of care…

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ऊर्जा अपरिमित – Episode 22

Anger Depletes Energy  Rising within us like hot molten lava, turning into ash all the empathy, love and respect we carry in our hearts, anger causes unreversible damage to our energies and relationships. The outburst offers a momentary relief but also a bouquet of negative emotions. Anger seems to give us a moral justification for…

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ऊर्जा अपरिमित – Episode 21

Nurturing Resentment Does No Good RESENTMENT In a moment of hurt and anguish, it seems justified to blame someone else for all the wrongs. We turn our tender hearts and strong minds into a nest for harbouring hatred and anger. It does us no good rather lead us to an eventual doom. Resentment is a…

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ऊर्जा अपरिमित – Episode 20

Let Suffering Not Sap Our Energies Suffering   Why me? How is this fair? Do I deserve this? Suffering, be it physical or emotional, causes a series of apprehensions in our minds. The seemingly catastrophic pain and the suffering it causes takes most people to a dark place where our vibrations are unduly low and suppressed. It…

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ऊर्जा अपरिमित – Episode 19

Prayers Take Us Beyond All Negatives PrayerAll our deeds and thoughts create vibrations. The higher the thought frequency, the higher do our vibrations rise. When we pray, we express gratitude, we set our intentions and we attract the good in the Universe. We open a divine portal towards growth, abundance, blessings and our desires to…

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